Piano concert at Stone House seats up to 80 guests If no picture renders, please email musicroom@bellsouth.net
Dining at The Elms for up to 60 guests If no picture renders, please email musicroom@bellsouth.net
Performer Joseph Stone telling history of the properties If no picture renders, please email musicroom@bellsouth.net
Chef Esther Carpenter greeting guests If no picture renders, please email musicroom@bellsouth.net
An antebellum billiard hall is the oldest part of Stone House If no picture renders, please email musicroom@bellsouth.net
An entree at The Elms If no picture renders, please email musicroom@bellsouth.net
Reception at Stone House is held in the gallery of artwork and antique maps If no picture renders, please email musicroom@bellsouth.net
A dessert at The Elms If no picture renders, please email musicroom@bellsouth.net